Microshare Q1 Update

13th May 2019

Q1 2019 Executive Summary

We started the quarter with the closing of the Motley Fool investment of $2M. Subsequently we closed additional funding to formally achieve our $5M goal. With funding in hand, we engaged more aggressively with Microsoft, ramped up our marketing initiatives, narrowed our tactical focus on commercial real estate, and nurtured several strategic clients. We also began recruiting for our Marketing and Technical Delivery teams.

From a positioning perspective, a senior executive at Microsoft told us, "You guys might just be at the right place at the right time," meaning that between Facebook, GDPR, Marriott data breach, and this years’ Davos forum, data ownership, privacy and sharing are becoming front line news. Our strategic opportunity appears limitless, yet our tactical challenge is to generate short term revenues to realize that goal.

Finally, we hired a new senior resource for legal and accounting. Please welcome Mike Murphy, an attorney by training. With Mike’s help, we will now be providing quarterly updates similar to this one. Thank you to everyone for bearing with us this far without them.