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Old Gold Technologies Limited (or OGT) brings fans of racing closer than ever before to the sport they love using a tech platform with next-generation interaction and yet-to-be-seen functionality.

Old Gold Racing will provide the experience of owning a racehorse to a huge audience at a fraction of the normal price through digital media: the delivery of real racehorse ownership into your smartphone, tablet and desk top computer.

Via a proprietary digital platform (including a mobile app and website), social media, postal packages and a relentless ethic of customer obsession, they will build a community of enthusiasts that love how this new technology ramps up their passion and enthusiasm in the sport they adore.

Members will not only own a very small share  in a very real racehorse but will also be invited to join a fun and irreverent community of fellow  racehorse owners, to access exclusive digital content across a number of unique customer touchpoints and receive invitations to fun meet-ups and events throughout the year.



ProductHorseracing Digital Syndicate App
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exitTrade Sale or IPO
Targeted returnIn excess of 10-20x invested