This investment has exited and is no longer available for investment

The investment exited at 4 times the original share price

trusted housesitters logo2


trusted housesitters image

Founded in 2010, TrustedHousesitters is the largest global online platform for free pet-sitting, providing a place for pet owners and pet sitters to connect.

TrustedHousesitters currently operates in over 130 countries, the platform has facilitated more than two million nights of house sitting, saving its members over £170m in accommodation and pet care costs.

In 2018, Rockpool funded TrustedHousesitters with Senior Debt, Mezzanine and EIS Equity in order to de-risk the founders and provide development capital to further accelerate growth in the business.



ProductGrowth EIS
SectorPets and Travel
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit2022 (4 years)
Targeted returnEquity Investment Return - 4.36x capital invested | Investor Loan Return - 2.48x capital invested, including interest payable at 10% per annum and equity upside