A sociable network, enhanced by virtual and augmented reality, which enables users to communicate, socialise, and engage.

vTime Holdings Ltd is focused on developing and publishing innovative engagement and communication applications and technology for all emerging alternative realities (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality - referred to collectively as xR) – extended reality), which is platform-agnostic and has both consumer and commercial use cases.

The first iteration of this is a free App called ‘vTime’.  vTime brings people together in virtual reality, allowing them to communicate, socialise, and share with each other, and is now available on multiple platforms.

Made up of a team of co-founders of gaming industry veterans, business executives and marketing professionals, the senior management team has a proven and verifiable track record of delivering critically and commercially successful products and results over a period of over 30 years.



ProductTechnology Growth EIS
SectorVirtual & Augmented Reality Software
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit4-5 years
Targeted returnIn excess of 4x capital invested