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The insights from Microshare’s occupancy and predictive cleaning solutions are proving invaluable in Uk and US hospitals in this crisis. Measuring occupancy, utilisation, the traffic and density of people in areas is paramount.
Resources can be reallocated, reduced and supplemented to areas based on the data, e.g. demand driven cleaning.
There have been urgent calls from clients for more hospital bed occupancy solutions last week, e.g. 1700 for a North London hospital.
Microshare’s largest Uk client, by example want to deploy Microshare's Feedback Solution to act as « call Nurse » buttons (traditional call systems take weeks to put in place, our out of the box solution takes minutes). One of the eventualities they are planning would see conversion of hotels & other buildings into temporary hospitals.
There were orders (pre Covid-19) to use the 5 and 3 button feedback buttons in hospitals to save time for nurses. Patients could tell the nurse what they need from their bed, rather than the nurse going to find out the need then going back with the request, (e.g.) bring a glass of water. The request would be simply logged as answered by the nurse with a magnet.
In response to Covid-19 Microshare have introduced a touchless feedback solution. Photo below..
Microshare have recently deployed into hospitals a one button deep clean feedback solution in response to Covid-19. (photo attached). Cleaning is then digitalised, the cleaner taps in and out with a magnet - to record time of clean & that the room is ready for re-use.
Microsoft, Microshare’s partner, are looking to bring Microshare in to the fight against Covid-19, see link below. By example, asset tracking of beds, wheelchairs, crucial equipment has long been Microshare’s strongest lead into hospitals.
The public sector will likely be prioritised by Governments around the World. Microshare’s solutions are of more importance and relevance to existing customers and their clients than ever before.
Commercial Real estate demand for Microshare’s solutions is strong from existing clients in this environment. installation obviously will be delayed:
Occupancy - working habits have changed & will become more fluid. Tenants and building owners need to know more now than ever how their space is being occupied & utilised over next 24 months (& beyond) &for space to be optimised.
The journey to a more agile working framework & environment has been accelerated by perhaps a decade or more.
Clients need measure - density of people, traffic flows. Crucial for social distancing. Therefore crucial for tenants, building owners & design teams (as Bouygues touched upon this week).
Predictive Cleaning - all users of a building demand better cleanliness. Predictive cleaning - reallocate, reduce and supplement resources according to occupancy, utilisation (& traffic). Demand driven cleaning will be expected by many.
Touch less feedback solutions. Crowd sourcing for cleaning and help becomes more important. We all need to work together to keep areas clean.
All meeting rooms & kitchens should have feedback solutions - efficiency, cleanliness, user experience/satisfaction and less unnecessary human contact.
Air quality - temp, humidity, Co2 levels have to be monitored - this is increasingly a duty of care for building owners/companies/employers in this new world.
Pest control companies are more excited than ever re. Rodent occupancy solution. Their clients and engineers demand it - remote working, far less site visits.
This demand translates to other use cases, maintenance work and engineers, e.g. leak detection, preventive machinery maintenance, legionella detection et al. Less site visits.
Smart waste will become more relevant. Cleanliness and efficiency.
Posted 4 years ago by Chris Mallett 3 Minute(s) to read