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Anthropos is a Connected Care Platform that combines IOT devices and sensors with Artificial Intelligence to monitor patterns of behaviour for individuals and then provide actionable insights for care providers.

Anthropos homesense

The Anthropos platform is a B2B SaaS solution that allows care providers to exploit the capabilities of smart technology to enable customers to stay in their own homes for longer and to provide insights that help prevent conditions in the first place. It will enable Domiciliary Care Providers to provide services that will transform the care of the frail and elderly at home.

Anthropos is differentiated in the market by focussing on supporting social care outcomes rather than on developing and providing devices or on data capture, because the most value in this market will come from making sense of the data and creating insights that allow professional carers to make decisions and interventions when required. 

Anthropos will help Domiciliary Care Providers grow by extending their services to reach more people, enhancing their services by adding new actionable insights and by providing a new entry point (with downstream revenue) into social care services. The platform can also be used to reach adjacent markets like assisted living and housing associations. 

ProductSoftware as a Service
SectorSocial Care
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit4-5 Years
Targeted returnIn excess of 4x capital invested