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Arterius Ltd is engaged in the development of an innovative polymer-based bioresorbable scaffold (BRS), more commonly known as a ‘stent’. The bioresorbable attribute aims to allow the stent to dissolve over time, before being absorbed by the body. Therefore, this will mean that there is no requirement to physically remove the stent.

Arterius has developed a polymer-based bioresorbable scaffold (or “BRS”) ArterioSorb™ that is intended to:

  • Match the ease of delivery of Bare Metal Stent (BMS) and Drug Eluting Stent (DES)
  • Come in a range of sizes and lengths
  • Provide equivalent mechanical performance (radial strength) to the best-in-classDrug Eluting Stent (DES) products
  • Generate fewer clinical adverse events than current Drug Eluting Stent (DES)
  • Be resorbed within 24 months leaving nothing behind which might complicate future revascularisations
  • Overcome the high in-stent late lumen loss (narrowing of the vessel once the stent has dissolved) which has limited the adoption of first generation products

ProductLife Sciences EIS
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit4-5 years
Targeted returnIn excess of 4x capital invested