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iPoint aim to standardise the Internet of Things (IoT) approach for the Bus & Coach Industry by centralising the access and control of on-board and operational data to the Operator through a single sign on platform (iCentral™) to increase operating efficiencies.

Through iCentral™, an operator can access and control the communication technology on buses and coaches to simplify management and improve operational and customer experience.

The iCentral™ platform will transmit on-board data back to the operator. The platform will centralise and deliver the following services:

ipoint image
  • Advanced Telemetry
  • Fleet tracking
  • Driver compliance
  • Driver behavior monitoring
  • Customer Wi-Fi
  • Vehicle monitoring sensors and alerts
  • Passenger counting systems
  • Infotainment
  • CCTV
  • Time of arrival systems
  • Smart Transport/City


ProductTechnology EIS
SectorInternet of Things
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit4-5 years
Targeted returnIn excess of 4 x capital invested