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Microshare is a data leverage platform for the IoT era, providing a solution for sharing, privacy, security, audit, confidentiality, data monetization and cost savings.

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Microshare operates at the heart of the “Internet of Things” revolution. It solves the critical problem of control and compliance which arise with data sharing rules from a myriad of sources and data owners.

It’s technology deploys state-of-the-art API-based rules engines and robots to secure, control and harness the data flows generated by IoT devices and traditional applications.

The patent-pending Microshare™ technology is available to developers, OEM’s and enterprises as an off-the-shelf solution or through engagements with a development team that has worked to deliver value to some of the largest technology firms on the planet.



ProductTechnology EIS
SectorInternet of Things
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exit4-5 years
Targeted returnIn excess of 4x capital invested