Mynurva provides online support and therapy for all. Mynurva offers fast access to therapy (CBT) via live video and text, securely, confidentially and discretely, on smartphone, tablet and laptop.

Mynurva image

A mental illness crisis is looming as millions of people worldwide are surrounded by the pandemic of COVID-19. With the impact of COVID19 the interest in Mynurva has surged massively for:

● Our service to deliver Mental Health remotely
● Our technology to support clinical care
● Our solution to deliver a text-based solution to mass markets globally

Mynurva allows individuals to get therapy from the comfort of their own home, with access leading therapists with a touch of a button, making positive changes to peoples lives.

The service is anonymous, confidential, discreet and secure. Each Mynurva appointment is 50-minutes via live video with a qualified therapist, with access to an online portal to choose the day and time that is convenient.

ProductDigital Therapy
SectorMental Health
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exitTrade Sale or IPO
Targeted returnIn excess of 3-5x initial investment