

bolt labs image

Property Innovation Network Ltd (‘PIN’) is developing a ‘property and life manager’ platform which will comprise two elements: B2B: a service to Landlords and Estate Agents, branded ‘PIN’; and B2C: a service aimed at tenants, named ‘Bolt’.

PIN: offering landlords time-saving services on tenancy services, and property and tenant maintenance;

Bolt: its premium AI driven concierge platform that intends to offer tenants a range of rewarding membership services from consumer discounts (coffee, broadband, gym, etc), to the option not to have to pay large upfront rental  deposits, and also the ability to help the tenant cultivate a favourable credit rating and work towards securing a mortgage.

They seek to save their users time, money and hassle, while providing them with service and access money can’t buy.

The Company is seeking to capitalise on new market regulations, specifically the Tenant’s Fee Act, whereby estate agents can no longer derive fees from initial tenant sign-up and referencing. The ban on tenant fees will come into force on 1st June 2019.

ProductProperty and Life Manager Platform
SectorRental Property
Aim of fundingGrowth
HMRC Advanced Assurance receivedYes
Envisaged investor exitTrade Sale or IPO
Targeted return3-5x Capital Invested