
About Rockpool

Rockpool's team of investment experts seek out profitable and growing businesses which offer great value for investors without the risk levels of start-ups. They undertake meticulous due diligence, delving into every detail of the business. To become part of Rockpool's portfolio, a company must have a proven business model, an experienced management team and annual revenues of £5m-£30m. Not large enough to attract traditional private equity funds or strategic buyers, these transformer companies are ready to embark on the journey to get there. Investee companies just need patient capital and some help to professionalise.

Rockpool believe that private companies are an essential asset class that can add diversity and create greater value to a broader portfolio. As returns on traditional assets have been squeezed, alternatives such as property, infrastructure and private equity have attracted increasing investor support. Private companies offer attractive returns with low correlation to traditional asset classes.

Why Choose Rockpool?

Rockpool focus on profitable and growing companies that are still under the radar of mainstream private equity funds. They make it easy to build a portfolio of these transformer companies through their Private Company Portfolio Service. Rockpool are flexible in their approach and work closely with Finance Shop's financial advisers and investment team.